Thursday 25 February 2016

Microzide Proves To Be Excellent For Hypertension Problems

Microzide is an excellent medication to treat high blood pressure problems. On decreasing high blood pressure, issues such as heart attacks, kidney problems or strokes can be prevented. This medication contains Generic Hydrochlorothiazide (Well-Known Thiazide Diuretic) that aids you to make more urine. Microzide helps by decreasing extra fluid (salts and water) in the body (edema) caused by conditions such as liver disease, renal disease or heart failure. This can help in lessening the
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signs and symptoms such as inflammation in your feet or ankles or difficult breathing. It can also be used to treat calcium-containing kidney stones as it reduces calcium levels excreted by the kidneys in the urine and as a result lowers the amount of calcium in urine to form kidney stones.
If you are suffering from problems related to high blood pressure, you must take proper measures to treat it and control it for living a happy and healthy life.

Symptoms of hypertension:

•    Heart palpitations
•    Constipation
•    Muscle weakness
•    Numbness or tingling
•    Cramping
•    Abnormal heart beat
•    Sudden cardiac arrest
•    Feeling faint or lightheaded

Inspite of medication, some healthy lifestyle habits can help you in controlling high blood pressure levels:

•    Being physically active.
•    Managing and coping with stress.
•    Maintaining a healthy weight.
•    Limiting alcohol intake.
•    Limit sodium and salt intake, and increase potassium in diet; consume foods such as vegetables, such as broccoli; whole grains; fat-free or low-fat dairy products and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids.
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Complications of hypertension: 

If high blood pressure troubles are left untreated, it may bring about following:
•    Heart attack, angina, or both
•    Stroke
•    Heart failure
•    Peripheral arterial disease
•    Kidney failure
•    Retinal problems (retinopathy)

Thus, it is necessary to control high blood pressure with the help of a correct antihypertensive medication. Microzide 12.5mg is now available at this site; it is a very cost-effective option to manage the symptoms of high blood pressure in a very efficient way. MICROZIDE... shields you from hypertension problems.

Take Microzide 12.5mg tablet orally, generally once on a daily basis in the morning. It can be taken with or without food. It is best to avoid taking this drug within 4 hours of your bedtime to avoid having to get up to urinate. The dosing depends upon your medical condition and response to treatment. You are advised to take this drug regularly to get the most benefit from it. While taking this medication, you may need to reduce salt intake, take potassium supplements and a diet rich in potassium with foods such as bananas.

Common side effects of this medicine may include dizziness, loss of appetite, constipation, nausea, diarrhea, temporary blurred vision, light-headedness, and red, blistered, inflamed, or peeling skin.

Important safety information:

Microzide must be avoided in following cases:

•    You are hypersensitive to Hydrochlorothiazide or any other ingredients.
•    You are consuming Ketanserin or Dofetilide.
•    You are not able to urinate.
•   You have a history of kidney problems, gout, liver problems (cirrhosis), high blood sugar (diabetes), lupus, asthma, high cholesterol or lipid levels.
•    You have high or low blood electrolyte levels (potassium, sodium, calcium or magnesium).

"REMEMBER: Microzide must be used with extreme caution in elderly and children."

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